I ran into a co-worker today that I hadn't seen in months. Of course the weight loss subject came up (I have come to peace, mostly, with the fact it's pretty much the only thing most people want to talk to me about). At one point she asked about my "willpower".
I hate that word. Really, I hate the concept. I always say I have the self control of a rabbit. The only difference is that my brain is (ever so slightly) larger. Most often you hear people talk about willpower when they're complaining that they don't have any, and that's what bugs me. It's as if they believe some people are born with it, and some people aren't. And since they don't have it, they're doomed. That's a load of crap. Willpower is not predetermined by your genetic makeup. It's not some cosmic force roaming about the universe, picking and choosing who is going to be blessed with it's presence.
Come on, people! It's ALL about choices!! If we believe we are at the mercy of everybody and everything else when it comes losing weight, might as well not bother. Because that's a tough row to hoe. The good news is, we AREN'T!!
My response to the co-worker was simply "I don't believe in willpower. I believe in choices. When faced with all those choices, big and little, I just ask myself one thing--what's more important right in this moment? Most of the time it's getting to my goals. Sometimes, it's a cookie."
I absolutely love this line: "what's more important right in this moment? Most of the time it's getting to my goals. Sometimes, it's a cookie." Unfortunately, for me today, the cookie won! lol